Corporate and Institutional Membership

Corporate and Institutional Memberships both offer a wide variety of benefits including a link from MTNA's website to the company's or institution's website; official recognition in American Music Teacher magazine and when exhibiting at the MTNA National Conference; and special pricing on mailing lists, sponsored emails and sponsored webinars. Corporate and Institutional members will also receive a complimentary one-year subscription to AMT, MTNA e-Journal and MTNA Business Digest. Membership dues are $200. Please Note:  Corporate and Institutional Membership does not grant membership to those who work for or belong to a Corporate/Institutional Member. Teachers must join as individual members of MTNA to receive benefits and participate in the association.

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Corporate Members

More than 40 companies are proud to be MTNA members.

Corporate Member List

Institutional Members

More than 20 institutions are proud to be MTNA members.

Institutional Member List