
Meet the Entrepreneur

Exploring the Integration of Entrepreneurship Education in Applied Music Lessons Challenges, Approaches and Benefits (Open Access)

Higher education institutions have long recognized the importance of applied music lessons in nurturing the artistic talents of students pursuing careers as performers, composers or conductors (Owens 2011, 84–86; Smith 2014, 63–66; van Zuilenburg 2012, 325–328). These lessons provide a unique opportunity for students to refine their technical abilities and express their musicality. However, an often-overlooked aspect of their education lies in the development of entrepreneurial skills, including marketing, business planning and strategy (Cusic and Schneller 2018, 111–116; de Reizabal and Benito GÛmez 2020, 354–357). The constraints of limited time within the curriculum and professors' unfamiliarity with teaching entrepreneurship contribute to the neglect of these vital components (Beckman 2005, 15–16; Crookes 2008, 46–50).

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Everything I Know About Leadership I Learned in Pedagogy Class

We are all leaders. We guide students in every lesson. We lead studios and classrooms. As entrepreneurs, we steer small businesses and navigate careers. As colleagues, we collaborate and share insights to lead the profession. …

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Re-Imagining the Creative Process

We all seek innovation—for our studio, our association, the profession. How do we develop a fertile environment for the most creative ideas to emerge?. …

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The Three-Box Solution for Innovation

Unprecedented. Fluid. Evolving. Uncertain. Pivot. We have heard these words many times during the past nine months and may be feeling paralyzed or overwhelmed—unable to even consider innovating our studio or association. …

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A Bias for Action

I am a strong proponent of strategic planning, but savvy business professionals also have a bias for action.

Strategic planning sometimes conjures an image of preparation before action, but there are often smart moves to be made during the planning process. …

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Studio Strategic Planning

As creative, entrepreneurial-minded teachers, we are very good at studio organization—policies, scheduling, curriculum. Whether starting a new studio or revitalizing an existing studio, attention to these details is essential for success and largely under our control. …

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Every Lesson—Every Day

Professionally, how do you describe yourself? Fill in the blank: I am a ____. …

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The Entrepreneurial Mind

Walt Disney. Henry Ford. Independent music teacher.

Webster's Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as "one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business." …

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Possibilities in a Tough Economy

Whether a young professional just starting out or an experienced teacher relocating to a new area, a bleak economy treats everyone the same. It's hard to make a living. …

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Smart, Single, Successful! Common Threads

Excellence in business rarely happens by accident. Consider the three young professionals in recent columns that I characterized as "smart, single and successful." …

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Smart, Single, Successful! Making A Living As An Independent Music Teacher

How can I make a living as an independent teacher?" To answer this question, three young professionals shared their stories at the 2011 MTNA National Conference during the session "Smart, Single, Successful! Effective Business Strategies For Young Professionals." …

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Smart, Single, Successful! Effective Business Strategies For Young Professionals

When I ask college students and young professionals what business topic they most want to know more about, it’s often, “How can I make a living as an independent teacher?” …

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Earn $100,000 As An Independent Teacher? Yes!

At a conference last summer, I was intrigued by the title of Kristin Yost’s session, “How I Made $100,000 My First Year as a Piano Teacher.” Yes, you read that correctly. …

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8 Recession Proof Business Strategies

If you have concerns about the recent ups and downs in the economy and how you and your music students are being affected, you are not alone. With foreclosures of family homes, job losses and shrinking budgets, there is reason for concern that music lessons may be the first casualty in family cost cutting. …

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In Search Of Excellence

How do we define excellence in our profession? Certainly high quality teaching and performing are major components. …

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Invigorating Our Studios

We all want our studios to be thriving centers of learning and enthusiasm. Yet at times, boredom, stress or exhaustion can creep into the studio of even the most enthusiastic among us. …

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