Chamber Music Competitions

  1. The MTNA Chamber Music Competitions will be a two-tier competitions: a Preliminary Round, by video submission only, and a Final Round, live at the national conference.
  2. Chamber Music entrants will submit a video performance of the repertoire listed on the original application for the Preliminary Round no later than Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time.

Video Instructions

  1. MTNA partners with Acceptd, a digital platform used for auditions, to run the Chamber Music competitions. Entrants must sign up for an Acceptd account ito upload their performance videos. Sign up (or login) for an account here.
  2. Videos must be of high quality and recorded all at the same location. Click here for tips about recording your videos.
  3. Videos of chamber music ensembles must have all performers of each selection visible throughout the performance.
  4. Videos must contain all repertoire listed on the original application. Entrants should NOT introduce themselves or announce the piece being recorded.
  5. Each piece (including individual movements of a larger work) must be uploaded as an individual video file. No editing is allowed. Each selection must be labeled with the title and composer. For individual movements of a larger work, label with the title, Roman numeral of movement and composer. Example: String Quartet in D Minor, K. 421, I., Mozart.
  6. Check videos for sound quality prior to uploading.
  8. A high-speed internet connection is recommended.
  9. Chome is the preferred browser for Acceptd.
  10. Should you have problems uploading videos, try uploading one at a time, making sure each upload is complete prior to starting the next upload.
  11. Judges will listen to a portion or all of each video up to the following time limits (review Chamber Music Guidelines):
    • Chamber Music String and Wind: forty (40) minutes
  12. Entrants who do not follow guidelines may be disqualified.