MTNA–Stecher and Horowitz Two Piano Competition


How is the Preliminary Round scored? Three adjudicators will evaluate and rank numerically all duos in order from highest to lowest. The rankings of all three adjudicators will be added together to determine the rank order of each duo from highest to lowest. The five duos with the highest cumulative scores will be the five finalists that advance to the final round.
What happens in the event of a tie(s) during the Preliminary Round? In the event of a tie(s) among the duos that are eligible to advance to the Final Round, the adjudicators will confer on the eligible duos to break the tie(s).
When is the deadline? Completed registrations are due by 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, January 6, 2025. No late registrations will be accepted. Upon receipt of complete registration, acknowledgement will be sent to each entrant.
Can anybody submit videos to be evaluated? The MTNA–Stecher and Horowitz Two Piano Competition is currently open to pianists ages 18–29 during the time of the competition (September 3, 2024–March 18, 2025).
What are the prizes and awards? The prizes and awards total $10,000. The first-place winners will receive a first-prize certificate and a $5,000 cash award to be divided equally between the two pianists. The second-place winners will receive a second-prize certificate and a $3,000 cash award to be divided equally between the two pianists. The third-place winners will receive a third-prize certificate and a $1,000 cash award to be divided equally between the two pianists. In addition to prizes awarded to the winners, a cash award of $400 and merit certificates are presented to each of the remaining finalists. All finalists will be provided with an IRS 1099 form for their prizes and awards for U.S. tax purposes.
Why should pianists enter this competition? There are relatively few competitions for two pianos, as compared to competitions for solo piano. This competition involves refinement of interpretation, style, technique, tone and developing musical personalities. The opportunity to play and perform as duo pianists is extremely rewarding. Although the repertoire is not as vast as that for solo piano, the joy of making music with another person brings a dimension transcending that of the solo pianist.
Is membership in MTNA required to participate? No.
Do entrants have to be citizens of the USA to participate? Both duo performers must be U.S. citizens or hold a U.S. visa or permanent residence (green card), which is valid throughout the competition year. Additionally, both performers must reside in the U.S. during the competition year. A scanned copy of the performers’ birth certificates, passports or other official documents verifying date and place of birth will be required with the registration submission.
Is any specific equipment required to make the video? The video recording must be focused such that both pianists and pianos are visible. Please ensure that the video is of high and professional quality.
How are the videos uploaded? Entrants must create an account with Acceptd to submit a registration and the videos for the MTNA–Stecher and Horowitz Two Piano Competition. As part of the free Acceptd account, entrants will be able to access resources, manage their media, communicate with MTNA and explore additional arts opportunities.
What is Acceptd? We partner with Acceptd to run the registration and evaluation process for the MTNA–Stecher and Horowitz Two Piano Competition. The Acceptd network connects arts organizations and artists around the world.
Do we have to submit 40 minutes of music? Can it be shorter? High-quality performance video files, totaling 30–40 minutes are required.
Does it have to be one 30–40 minute video, or can we make several shorter videos? One video should be submitted for each composition. Each piece must be uploaded as an individual file. All videos files must be recorded within three months of submission. No editing is allowed.
What kind of repertoire can we use? Only original compositions written specifically for two pianos are allowed. The program must contain repertoire from at least two different periods of music: Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic or Contemporary. Complete movements or sections are acceptable. Repertoire must be listed accurately on the registration form. Include title, number, key, opus, movements and duration of each piece.
Are we required to memorize our repertoire? No, memorization is not required.
How much does it cost? There is a non-fundable registration of $155, payable through the online registration system.
How long will it take to receive judges’ comments and Preliminary Round results? Notification of selection or non-selection as finalists or non-finalists will be sent to all entrants on or before January 22, 2025.
When is the Final Round? The Final Round of the competition will be on March 18, 2025, at the 2025 MTNA National Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. All finalists are required to appear at the Awards Ceremony on March 18, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. The first-prize winners are required to perform a selection from their repertoire not to exceed 8 minutes at the Winners Concert on March 18, 2025, at 3:30 p.m.
What happens if a duo is selected for the Final Round, but are unable to perform? Only the original members of the duo may compete in the Final Round. If, for any reason, a duo selected for the Final Round is unable to perform with the same members of the duo that competed in the Preliminary Round, or if the duo is unable to attend the Final Round, the duo will be replaced by the next duo listed in final rank order. In the event that an alternate duo cannot be procured before the Final Round, the competition will be held with fewer than five competing duos.
Are any travel expenses for finalists covered? Finalists are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses to and from the 2025 MTNA National Conference finals.
Will there be time to practice on the pianos used for the final competition? Finalists will be assigned practice time—prior to the final competition—on Monday, March 17, 2025. Competitors should plan their travel to allow for this practice and travel fatigue.