September 2013 MTNA e-Journal
Making It Work: A Case Study Of The Installation And Implementation Of Technologies In A Group Piano Classroom
By Courtney Crappell, NCTM
This article seeks to aid teachers faced with the challenge of selecting and installing group piano classroom equipment, and provides applications for the technology within group teaching settings. It seeks to answer the question, how do we make it work, in part one, from both the technological equipment and setup viewpoint, and in part two, from the pedagogical perspective. [Read More]
Two Incarnations Of A Study Questionnaire To Determine What Piano Teachers Use And What Order Musical Concepts Are Introduced
By Patty K. Nelson, Trena Wilkerson and Betty J. Conaway
Two pilot studies were conducted to create a study questionnaire to determine what method books piano teachers were using with their beginning students and in what order these teachers were introducing musical concepts. The first questionnaire proved somewhat unreliable so a second study instrument was created and pilot tested. Questions from the first study that were reliable were kept, and the rest of the questionnaire was rewritten. The second questionnaire was successfully piloted. Results of the pilot studies indicate the majority of teachers surveyed are using off-the-staff, black note methods but are evenly divided on starting students in C position and middle C position when moving students to the white notes. [Read More]