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Legal Landscape:
Business Insurance 101 for Music Teachers, Part 4  (Open Access)


Insurance is an essential part of running any business. This four-part series takes a deeper look at insurance for music teachers. In this issue, Part 4 continues with a focus on musical instrument insurance.

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Legal Landscape:
Business Insurance 101 for Music Teachers, Part 3

Insurance is an essential part of running any business. This four-part series series takes a deeper look at insurance for music teachers. In this issue, Part 3 continues with a focus on professional indemnity and sexual abuse and molestation insurance.

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Legal Landscape:
Business Insurance 101 for Music Teachers, Part 2

Insurance is an essential part of running any business. A four-part series of articles debuted in the previous Digest to take a deeper look at insurance for music teachers. In this issue, Part 2 continues with a focus on general liability insurance and will also touch on workers’ compensation for studios/schools who have employees and commercial umbrellas for teachers who carry commercial leases.

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Legal Landscape:
Business Insurance 101 for Music Teachers, Part 1 

Insurance is an essential part of running any business. Rather than thinking “I’ll take care of that later,” move insurance coverage to the top of your priority list. Exactly what types of insurance do you need for your studio business? Over the next four issues, Deborah H. How will take a deep look at insurance for music teachers.

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